воскресенье, 19 января 2020 г.


For tips on configuring gatekeepers, see Configuring gatekeeper settings. The Registration field will show failed if any of the registrations has not completed successfully. If they do not already have ConferenceMe installed on their computer, they can access the installer from the ConferenceMe page. You can add the description when scheduling a conference. Note that when there is a problem with the registration, the status is a link to the conference's Statistics page. conferenceme client

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The status of a conference with respect to its H. The following information is displayed for each conference: Note that when there is a problem with the registration, the status is a link to the conference's Statistics page.

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If it has not been possible to reserve all of the required ports for a conference for instance because of a configuration errorthis value will display in red as an cljent indication. If they do not already have ConferenceMe installed on their computer, they can access the installer from the ConferenceMe page.

Some conferences may require a PIN to access this feature.

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Thanks for the post. Registration The status of a conference with respect to its H.

Codian MCU - Displaying conference lists

Comments Thanks for the post. Click the conference name to display detailed information about the configuration of the conference and, if it is currently active, its participants. When the conferencemd began. To remove specific conferences from the list, select the conferences via their associated checkboxes and click Purge selected.

Note that for SIP, unlike H. Time remaining How long the conference still has to run. Click the conference name to display detailed information about the conference and participants.

Streaming Displays the conference streaming page. This allows SIP users to dial directly into a particular conference with the correct privileges instead of connecting first to the MCU's auto attendant and navigating the menu system. To view further details about the registrations for a conference, click the conference name and then the Statistics tab to view the conference's Statistics page.


See Conference ownership for additional information. My heart sank when I saw the Tandberg site that said there was no known work around. The Registration field will dlient failed if any of the registrations has not completed successfully. For more information about configuring conferences and chairperson and guest IDs and PINsrefer to Adding and updating conferences.

The ConferenceMe page allows users to join the conference using the ConferenceMe client. If you do not add a description or the conference has not been scheduled in advance, the Description displays one of the following:.

FIXED: Cisco ConferenceMe "Call ended due to network errors" (TANDBERG) | Jared Heinrichs

If you do not add a description or the conference has not been scheduled in advance, the Description displays one of the following: It seems like it takes a while for things to propagate to the clients. You confeenceme notice if the settings were successfully pushed through if there are keys created that match the items that conferemceme entered in the ini file.

Description Additional information about the conference, which can assist users joining conferences.

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Your email address will not be published. If a conference is protected by a PIN and you are not logged in as the administrator, confernceme number of participants is hidden until the PIN is entered. How long the conference still has to run. Numeric ID The number that you can dial to join the conference.

Yet to start The conference's configured start time has not yet arrived.

FIXED: Cisco ConferenceMe “Call ended due to network errors” (TANDBERG)

This option is not necessarily available for every conference; some users do not have access to other user's conferences.

Scheduled conferences Scheduled conferences are either in progress or are yet to start. Start time When the conference began.

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